Saturday 30 September 2017

The Perfect Snack

When you're trying to eat healthier or lose weight it's often the cravings that are your undoing.  You just feel like something a little savoury or something a little sweet and the next thing you know you've eaten a whole packet of chips or a whole chocolate bar!

The trouble is a lot of healthy snacks become very monotonous.  They just don't seem to hit the spot. Salted nuts might do it for me but raw nuts certainly don't.  By raw almond number eight I'm still feeling unsatisfied.  Sometimes we're looking for the feel good.

Then I hit upon the idea of making my own trail mix, full of mostly healthy foods but a good variety.  I make up a large bowl of the trail mix and then divide it into small plastic bags so I remain aware of how much I am eating.   I find the mix gives me a good selection to pick through and there is usually something there that hits the spot to put an end to any cravings.  By the time I've had a few nibbles from it I'm usually feeling satisfied.   

Eating a handful of raw seeds or nuts on their own feels to me like a bit of a chore or even deprivation but when they're in a mix suddenly they seem to take on a new appeal and no longer seem so bland. Variety really does seem to be the spice of life!

I usually put all or some of these into my mix:

Banana chips (dried)
Crispy noodles
Crystallized ginger
Dried apricots
Dried fruit such as pears, apples, cranberries, mangoes, melon, pineapple, blueberries etc (use whatever you enjoy)
Dark Chocolate buttons or dark chocolate pieces
Glace cherries
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Brazil nuts
Cashew nuts

Other options:
Carob buttons

 It is easy to adapt this to individual tastes by making a basic mix that everyone likes, dividing it and then adding particular items.   For example Andrew likes pineapple but I do not, so dried pineapple is added to his portion but not mine.

I limit the dried fruit in mine and usually have more seeds. 

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